Economical electric driving
with a private charging station

Drive on your own green power with a charging station from De Duurzame Jongens. Always a full battery!


Ready to enjoy the benefits of having your own charging station? Request a no-obligation consultation today.

Buying a charging station

The world of mobility is changing. Electric vehicles are the future! And we are here to make sure you are ready. Charge your electric car easily and efficiently with a charging station from De Duurzame Jongens. The combination with your solar panels, makes electric driving all the more interesting. Explore our home charging stations and make the switch to greener driving today.

Home charging station offerings

At De Duurzame Jongens, we offer a variety of home charging stations. We are happy to advise you on the charging station that best suits your situation.

Greener driving in 3 steps

Request a no-obligation consultation with our sustainability consultant.

Receive a sustainability plan with charging station including installation.

After installation at your home, you can start charging and saving immediately.

Buying an air conditioning system from De Duurzame Jongens

Free consultation!

Ready to enjoy the benefits of having your own charging station? Request a no-obligation consultation today.

Frequently asked questions about charging stations

A private home or office charging station is a smart investment for the future. The exact costs will depend, among other things, on the location of the charging station which adjustments to the meter box are required. A general indication is therefore difficult. Contact us for a quote.

Every meter box can accommodate a charging station. There is a difference between 1-phase charging and 3-phase charging, though. This has to do with loading speed. Furthermore, you need a separate power group so that your charging station will always work. Even in the event of a power outage.

Usually charging at home is cheaper than charging on the road at public charging stations. Along the way, prices vary by provider. At home, you pay the kilowatt-hour price directly to your energy supplier. Combined with solar panels, this is the best choice.

It is important to pay attention to payload. At De Duurzame Jongens, we work exclusively with quality A-brands. We are happy to find out which charging station is best suited for you. Contact us for personalized advice.

Currently, there is no subsidy in the Netherlands for individuals who want a home charging station. As a company, however, you can claim subsidies for electric charging stations, including the MIA, KIA and Vamil schemes. Contact us for personalized advice.

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